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Redundancy and Reliablity Project 2014
February 10, 2014
The Catawba River Water Supply Project continues to improve its ability to serve the citizens of Lancaster County and Union County through the implementation of its latest project. The Catawba River Redundancy and Reliability project will include the construction of a new finished water pump station dedicated to serving the customers of Lancaster Water and Sewer District. The Union County finsihed water pump station will be upgraded, as will the existing piping and appurtenances that serve both pump stations. In so doing, the Catawba River Water Supply Project will have the ability to continue to provide reliable service as these two pump stations will have the ability to supplement either system in the event of an emergency. The Redundance and Reliability Project also improves the plant's ability to process the waste products that are generated through the treatment of water received from the Catawba River and dispose of these byproducts in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Finally, the service to the treatment plant will be upgraded with the ability to bypass the raw water storage lagoon with a new 48-inch raw water main, once again providing reliability and flexibility in the operation of the Catawba River Water Supply Project.
Catawba River Water Supply Project Launches a Website
January 14, 2014
Working harder to better serve and communicate with our community we have launched a new website for our water customers. Check it out and let us know what you think. Subscribe today!